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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Books by Blei: Chasing Vermeer

Chasing Vermeer
by Blue Balliett

Recommended by: Dominique W.
Hello, my name is Nicky W., and I'm going to introduce you to the book "Chasing Vermeer". This book is about two people named Petra and Calder. After these two meet, they start realizing connections in the world, like Charles Fort and Ms. Sharpe, Fort and Vermeer, and the disappearance of "A Lady Waiting", a Vermeer art, and Fort, which is what the book is about. 

My favorite part of the book is how Calder and Petra work together to find out who stole the painting! If you love mystery books, you have got to read this! This book makes me realize many things in life you never realized before, like what makes things in museums deserve to be in museums. Why yellow is surprising, and why blue tastes mysterious, which is why I loved this book. I recommend this book to mystery lovers and thinkers.

This book was: A great mystery book

I would recommend this book to: Mystery lovers and thinkers.

I rate this book:

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