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Friday, January 17, 2014

Books by Blei: Prisoner B-3087

Prisoner B-3087
by Alan Grats

Recommended by: Ashley S.
This book is sad. This is one of the most descriptive books that I have ever read. Right when I started reading it, I loved it! I loved the details in the book. Starting from the beginning when the little boy and his happy family were watching a movie. Later in the book you will see what happens to him and his family. This book is about the Nazi and the Jews. They came in and literally destroyed the town. I feel so sad for all of them. This book was a nail-biter because you didn't know who was going to get taken away or who was going to get shot, or who was going to leave for work and never return.
Read to find out!

This book was: Sad!

I would recommend this book to: People who like history.

I rate this book:

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