Welcome Readers! Robbinsdale Middle School is a grade 6-8 middle school located in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, and part of the Robbinsdale Area Schools, District #281.

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Books by Blei - Multicultural: The Clay Marble by Mingfong Ho

The Clay Marble
by Minfong Ho

Recommended by:  Eain A.
The Clay Marble is about the Cambodian Civil War that took place in 1980's. The main protagonist Dara, who is only 12-years-old has to lead her family to safety. Her friend, Jantu, gets shot and later dies while at a refugee camp. How many camps does Dara have to go through for her family to be safe? Does she ever make it to safety? This something you need to read the book to find out! My favorite part was seeing the amount of detail the author put into the book to describe Jantu being shot.

This book was: Historical fiction/adventure!

I would recommend this book to:  All RMS students.

I rate this book:

Books By Blei - Multicultural: Goodbye, Vietnam by Gloria Whelman

Goodbye, Vietnam
by Gloria Whelan

Recommended by:  Alberto V.
This book is about a girl named Mai who is trying to escape her country, Vietnam, with her family. Mai is trying to escape by taking a boat with her family to Hong Kong, and then a plane to America, but the passengers of the boat are struggling for food, water, and space. My favorite part of the book was when Mai's Grandmother saved the family's trip by giving one duck to the police officer. What I like about the writing style is how they explain everything with a lot of detail.

This book was: An amazing book!

I would recommend this book to:  Surprising story readers.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Multicultural: One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia

One Crazy Summer 
by Rita Williams-Garcia

Recommended by:  Megan L.
Three little girls, Delphine, Vonetta, and Fern, had their mother leave them. After hearing a lot of negative stories, their father decided it was time, time for them to meet their mother again. Flying on a plane alone wasn't their favorite idea but they were excited to go from New York to California. When they arrived the three girls quickly realized that their mother wasn't very fond of them. they were sent to a center everyday to eat breakfast, take lesson, and play at the park. For these three girls, it will be a summer to remember. Can a mother's love be forgotten?

This book was: Fun tp read and learn about the girls!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like adventure.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Multicultural: My Name is Sally Little Song by Brenda Woods

My Name is Sally Little Song
by Brenda Woods

Recommended by:  Paoze V.
This book tells the story of a 12-year-old born into slavery on a Georgia Plantation in 1790. Her name was Sally May Harrison. Sally may works in the harsh cotton fields. Joshua, a house slave, tells Sally May's Pa that the master is selling her and her brother to the master's brother. Pa decides to escape with his family. Then at night when the hounds sleep, they leave. Their destination is the swamplands. Pa and Sally May contract a high fever. Many bad things happen along the way. Ma dies. Two Seminoles find them, and bring them back to their village while bringing them to meet the chief, Chief Strong Bear. he tells the Harrisons they can stay. What becomes of Sally May and her family? Do they return to their home or make a new home elsewhere?
As Francis Drake once said, "greatness from small beginnings". That is why I would recommend this book to great readers.

This book was: Just Fine!

I would recommend this book to:  Slavery epidemic book readers.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Francie by Karen English

by Karen English

Recommended by:  Jermontae W.
This book is a bout a girl named Francie who lives with her mom and younger brother. She and her mom both waited on white people because they had no choice. Her mom really couldn't work anywhere else because at the time of this book, it was the Civil Rights era. Because of segregation, blacks couldn't work at a lot of places. Francie's father moved up north and had two jobs. He is trying to move Francie and her brother and mom up north to Chicago to have a better life. Francie wanted to go to a really good middle-school. her father promised her she will be able to go there. Francie's trouble started when she helped a black man escape jail. She tried to help him, she's making her community around her bad and mad, but in the end she learns a good lesson.

I would recommend this book to:  All readers.

I rate this book:

Monday, January 12, 2015

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Kokopelli's Flute by Will Hobbs

Kokopelli's Flute
by Will Hobbs

Recommended by:  Nolan B.
This book is about a kid named Tep that lived on a seed farm. At the beginning of the book, Tep found robbers at the picture house and they were stealing things from the ancient, dead medicine man. Tep acts quickly and got the robbers scared so they left. After the robbers left, Tep went to where the robbers were and found a flute made out of bone. Tep blew into the flute and it made a beautiful sound. After Tep blew into the flute, ancient magic started happening. Losing the flute made the spirit of the medicine man angry and much of the magic happening was bad magic. Will there be peace? What happens to the flute? My favorite part of the book was when Tep found ancient seeds and decided to plant them.

This book was: Adventure!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like action.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Angelfish by Laurence Yep

by Laurence Yep

Recommended by:  Bethany B.
The books starts out when Robin and her friends were walking out of their recital. Robin was trying to hit Thomas with her bag. When he ducked, she broke the window. Mr. Tsow, the store owner, came out to the window. He said she could ask her parents to pay for it or, work there Robin wanted to be the star of the play, she dreamed of it since she was younger. So Robin picked to work for three months. My favorite part was when Mr. Tsow teaches her Tai Chi, and Robin can't push him over.

This book was: Boring at first, but gets better!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like realistic fiction.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Ribbons by Laurence Yep

by Laurence Yep

Recommended by:  Alise M.
Robin's life revolves around ballet. She used to dance down the aisles at the grocery store. When she got to start going to a real ballet school, her teacher Madame, noticed her enthusiasm for ballet. Robin loved to dance, but the others just wanted to dance around in pretty outfits. But now she has to quit because her parents need money to get Robin's Paw-Paw over from China. When she keeps practicing in the basement, her shoes begin to get tighter. She tries to keep it a secret so her parents won't have another excuse for her not to go back to ballet. When Robin finds out her Paw-Paw's secret, their bond grows more than they thought...

This book was: Very exciting and interesting!

I would recommend this book to:  Everyone!

I rate this book:

Rms Hot Reads for January 9, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Books by Blei: Fractured by Teri Terry

by Teri Terry

Recommended by:  Sarah A.
Kyla's memory should have been erased forever, but she is starting to have dreams and remembering things from her past. Why was she slated? What makes her different than the other slated? She finds out that she was working with the free U.K., also known as the Terrorist. The lorders promised Kyla if she helps them to get some information about the terrorist attack that they will take her "levo" off and return one of her missing friends. What decision is Kyla going to make? Is she going to help the lorders who slated her in the first place? IS she going to get her whole memory back?
Read to find out.

This book was: Great!

I would recommend this book to:  People who have read book #1, Slated.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Tropical Secrets by Margarita Engle

Tropical Secrets
by Margarita Engle

Recommended by:  Jordana Q.
A boy named Daniel flees from Nazi Germany and hopes he will reunite with his parents in New York. While on the trip, his ship is turned away by new York because it had refugees on it. The ship is diverted and lands on Cuba. In Cube, he meets a girl named Paloma, who has secrets o her own, and Daniel realizes the fear of Nazis isn't far away. Will he ever reunite with his parents?

This book was: Good!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like historical fiction.

I rate this book: