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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Books by Blei - Multicultural: The Clay Marble by Mingfong Ho

The Clay Marble
by Minfong Ho

Recommended by:  Eain A.
The Clay Marble is about the Cambodian Civil War that took place in 1980's. The main protagonist Dara, who is only 12-years-old has to lead her family to safety. Her friend, Jantu, gets shot and later dies while at a refugee camp. How many camps does Dara have to go through for her family to be safe? Does she ever make it to safety? This something you need to read the book to find out! My favorite part was seeing the amount of detail the author put into the book to describe Jantu being shot.

This book was: Historical fiction/adventure!

I would recommend this book to:  All RMS students.

I rate this book:

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