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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Books by Blei - Multicultural: My Name is Sally Little Song by Brenda Woods

My Name is Sally Little Song
by Brenda Woods

Recommended by:  Paoze V.
This book tells the story of a 12-year-old born into slavery on a Georgia Plantation in 1790. Her name was Sally May Harrison. Sally may works in the harsh cotton fields. Joshua, a house slave, tells Sally May's Pa that the master is selling her and her brother to the master's brother. Pa decides to escape with his family. Then at night when the hounds sleep, they leave. Their destination is the swamplands. Pa and Sally May contract a high fever. Many bad things happen along the way. Ma dies. Two Seminoles find them, and bring them back to their village while bringing them to meet the chief, Chief Strong Bear. he tells the Harrisons they can stay. What becomes of Sally May and her family? Do they return to their home or make a new home elsewhere?
As Francis Drake once said, "greatness from small beginnings". That is why I would recommend this book to great readers.

This book was: Just Fine!

I would recommend this book to:  Slavery epidemic book readers.

I rate this book:

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