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Monday, January 12, 2015

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Ribbons by Laurence Yep

by Laurence Yep

Recommended by:  Alise M.
Robin's life revolves around ballet. She used to dance down the aisles at the grocery store. When she got to start going to a real ballet school, her teacher Madame, noticed her enthusiasm for ballet. Robin loved to dance, but the others just wanted to dance around in pretty outfits. But now she has to quit because her parents need money to get Robin's Paw-Paw over from China. When she keeps practicing in the basement, her shoes begin to get tighter. She tries to keep it a secret so her parents won't have another excuse for her not to go back to ballet. When Robin finds out her Paw-Paw's secret, their bond grows more than they thought...

This book was: Very exciting and interesting!

I would recommend this book to:  Everyone!

I rate this book:

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