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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Books by Blei: Fractured by Teri Terry

by Teri Terry

Recommended by:  Sarah A.
Kyla's memory should have been erased forever, but she is starting to have dreams and remembering things from her past. Why was she slated? What makes her different than the other slated? She finds out that she was working with the free U.K., also known as the Terrorist. The lorders promised Kyla if she helps them to get some information about the terrorist attack that they will take her "levo" off and return one of her missing friends. What decision is Kyla going to make? Is she going to help the lorders who slated her in the first place? IS she going to get her whole memory back?
Read to find out.

This book was: Great!

I would recommend this book to:  People who have read book #1, Slated.

I rate this book:

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