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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Francie by Karen English

by Karen English

Recommended by:  Jermontae W.
This book is a bout a girl named Francie who lives with her mom and younger brother. She and her mom both waited on white people because they had no choice. Her mom really couldn't work anywhere else because at the time of this book, it was the Civil Rights era. Because of segregation, blacks couldn't work at a lot of places. Francie's father moved up north and had two jobs. He is trying to move Francie and her brother and mom up north to Chicago to have a better life. Francie wanted to go to a really good middle-school. her father promised her she will be able to go there. Francie's trouble started when she helped a black man escape jail. She tried to help him, she's making her community around her bad and mad, but in the end she learns a good lesson.

I would recommend this book to:  All readers.

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