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Monday, January 12, 2015

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Angelfish by Laurence Yep

by Laurence Yep

Recommended by:  Bethany B.
The books starts out when Robin and her friends were walking out of their recital. Robin was trying to hit Thomas with her bag. When he ducked, she broke the window. Mr. Tsow, the store owner, came out to the window. He said she could ask her parents to pay for it or, work there Robin wanted to be the star of the play, she dreamed of it since she was younger. So Robin picked to work for three months. My favorite part was when Mr. Tsow teaches her Tai Chi, and Robin can't push him over.

This book was: Boring at first, but gets better!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like realistic fiction.

I rate this book:

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