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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Beware Princess Elizabeth by Carolyn Meyer

Image result for beware princess elizabeth
Beware, Princess Elizabeth
by Carolyn Meyer

Recommended by:  Bethany B.
The setting is Hatfield, England in November, 1558, when Elizabeth's dad dies. Her little brother becomes king. Many years later she meets Tom. Tom tried to kill the king but fails. The king dies and many other kings and queens die until Elizabeth is 21 years old. Mary is 29 and going to become queen. Mary gets a nickname, Bloody Mary, because of how she rules. People try to run away and so does Elizabeth. All Elizabeth wanted was to become queen. She is kidnapped. My favorite part is when Elizabeth looks into Tom's eyes. She falls in love.

This book was: Historical fiction.

I would recommend this book to: Interesting.

I rate this book:

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