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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The Apothecary by Maile Meloy

Image result for The Apothecary by Maile Meloy
The Apothecary
by Maile Meloy

Recommended by:  Ella T.
When something bad happens to Janie's new British friends' dad, Janie decides they must find him and help. While meeting many people along the way, they use magic, avoid German spies, and get help from their Latin teacher. Luckily for Janie and Benjamin, they aren't alone! They soon make a new friend and ally and are able to get even closer to Benjamin's father. But will they ever get there? Read it and find out! My favorite character is Janie because she is smart and curious - king of like me! She adds a lot to the story that makes it exciting, it would be quite boring without her. Onetime she knew where to hide when no one else did!
This book was: Interesting!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who loves adventure.

I rate this book:

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