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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

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Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Brontë

Recommended by:  Evelyn V.
Jane Eyre grew up an orphan in her aunt's house with her cruel cousins. After ten years, Jane was sent to school at Lowood. She stayed there for eight years. Then she put out an advertisement and became the governess of a little French girl named Adele. Jane then falls in love with Mr. Rochester, Adele's guardian. Mr. Rochester asks Jane to marry him and Jane says yes. When the priest asks if anyone had any objections, a man named Mr. Mason objected because he claimed that Mr. Rochester already had a wife. When they get back to Thornfield, Mr. Rochester explained his situation. He once was in love with a woman named Bertha but she became mad. Bertha was kept in the attic of Thornfield and was shown to Jane. Even though what he said was true, Jane was still heart broken, so she ran away. With no money she became a beggar and was forced to go door to door asking for food. Find out what happened to Jane and if she ever see Mr. Rochester again!

This book was: Hard, but interesting!

I would recommend this book to: People who want a good and challenging book!

I rate this book:

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