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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The Yearling by Marjorie Rawlings

Image result for the yearling
The Yearling
by Marjorie Rawlings

Recommended by:  Juni H.
This book was about a boy named Jody, who is the only child of Ma and Pa Baxter. They live in the Florida backwoods and live off of their land. Penny is a farmer and an experienced hunter. Become connected with Jody as you are introduced to their only neighbors, the Forresters, and their "fend for yourself" way of life. Be entranced as Rawlings describes the setting with infinite detail. Hold your breath as Jody finds "Flag", a young fawn who recently lost his mother. This is a historical fiction book and can be slow at times. However, the hunts and excitement of fights gives the book it's edge. The end is fairly sad but eventually grows on you. I would recommend this book to those who will commit to finishing.

This book was: Interesting and sad!

I would recommend this book to: Dedicated People!

I rate this book:

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