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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Duke by Kirby Larson

Image result for duke kirby larson
by Kirby Larson

Recommended by:  Tyler S.
This book is about an 11-year-old boy named Hobie Hanson and his brave decision to donate his German Shepard, Duke to "Dogs for Defense". Hobie's father is a fighter pilot in World War II. When he hears about "Dogs for Defense" from his neighbor, he feels like he should contribute to the war. After thinking about it he decided to donate Duke. He starts to regret his decision soon after donating Duke. Hobie starts to write to Duke's handler about how he made a bad decision and he needs his dog back. Duke's handler always writes back with the same answer, "No!" But one day Duke's handler writes to Hobie saying that Duke's training is over, but now he needs to go serve his part in the war. Hobie immediately gets worried about Duke. 
Will Hobie ever see Duke again?

This book was: Wonderful!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone.

I rate this book:

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