Welcome Readers! Robbinsdale Middle School is a grade 6-8 middle school located in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, and part of the Robbinsdale Area Schools, District #281.

These book reviews reflect the richness and diversity of our school community.
They reflect the views of our student reviewers and do not reflect the views and/or opinions of Robbinsdale Middle School. If you would like to become a part of our reviewing panel, please speak with the
Media Center staff.

Thank you!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Celebrating NEA's Read Across America Contest Winners


To celebrate Read Across America 2013 at Robbinsdale Middle School the RMS Media Center sponsored a reading contest. We asked students to review a book and use that book review as an entry for a chance to win one of four great prizes, a Dr. Seuss book and stuffed animal.
We had a total of 362 Book Review Entries! What a wonderful amount of reading is happening here at Robbinsdale Middle School
Here are out excited winners receiving their fun prizes!
Alpha S. won a The Cat in the Hat book and stuffed Cat in the Hat
for his wonderful review of The Rain Came Down by David Shannon

Emily W. won a Horton Hears a Who and stuffed Horton
for her wonderful review of Mockingbird (Mo'king Burd) by Kathryn Erskine
which you can read Here: Emily W. Review of MOCKINGBIRD

Nicole S. won The Cat in the Hat book and stuffed Cat in the Hat
for her wonderful review of Soul Moon Soup by Lindsay Lee Johnson

Fatuma M. won a Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book and stuffed sleep guy
for her review of The Summoning by Kelly Armstrong






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