Welcome Readers! Robbinsdale Middle School is a grade 6-8 middle school located in Robbinsdale, Minnesota, and part of the Robbinsdale Area Schools, District #281.

These book reviews reflect the richness and diversity of our school community.
They reflect the views of our student reviewers and do not reflect the views and/or opinions of Robbinsdale Middle School. If you would like to become a part of our reviewing panel, please speak with the
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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Robbinsdale Middle School Celebrates "Read Across America Day"

On Friday, March 1st, Robbinsdale Middle School celebrated National Read Across America Day.
Read Across America is a nationwide event sponsored by The National Education Association in honor of Dr. Seuss' Birthday!
It is their plan to build a nation of readers! It honors
We at RMS are committed to building a school of readers!
On Friday, we set aside a silent reading time for 20 minutes, where ALL students, teachers, principals, and every staff member used the time to read silently either a book, magazine or newspaper of their choice.
Ms. Bandy, Ms. Enselein and Ms. Suckerman dressed as Thing 1, Thing 2, and Thing 3!



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