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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Teacher Reads: SHOCK POINT

 Our wonderful RMS teachers are always reading! Check out what Ms. Baker just read:

Shock Point
by April Henry
 Recommended by: Ms. Baker
Cassie is a good girl who faces very serious betrayal by her stepfather who convinces Cassie's mom that she is on drugs and she needs to be placed into a "set em straight" kind of youth facility. To the parents, Paradise Cove seems like a positive environment for troubled teens, but in reality, it is a nightmare of abuse and neglect that has many of the teens locked up for years. Can Cassie escape all the way from Mexico to her home town in Oregon?
I would recommend this book:
This book was recommended to me by a student and I am very glad that I picked it up and read it. It was fairly easy to read as it kept you wanting to know what was going to happen next.

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