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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Emma by Jane Austen

Image result for jane austen the modern library classics
by Jane Austen

Recommended by:  Kaitlyn P.
Emma Woodhouse prides herself on making the very agreeable match of Miss Taylor (Emma's governess) and Mr. Weston (the town widower). The only downside of this match for Emma is that Miss Taylor won't be with them anymore, and Emma will be left alone at Hartfield with her father. Emma is unbelieving and very against the ides of marriage or love for herself, so she makes a new friend, and gives herself the task of finding a match for her new friend: Harriet Smith. Harriet is 17, a few years younger than Emma, and has unknown parentage. When Mr. Martin, the lowly farmer asks for marriage, will she accept, or be influenced by those around her? Who else might have affections for herself, or Emma?

This book was: Perfectly Bewildering!

I would recommend this book to: Everyon!

I rate this book:

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