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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction> Prairie Whispers by Frances Arrington

Prairie Whispers
by Frances Arrington

Recommended by:  Josie M.
This story is really an engaging book. It takes place on the 1860's American Prairies. The main character, Colleen, has a terrible secret she is hiding from her family. While her father was away, her mother gave birth to her stillborn sister a month early. While fetching a neighbor for help, she comes across a cry for help coming from inside a covered wagon. She goes inside and is greeted by a woman with her own newborn baby. She tells Colleen to take the baby along with a gold watch and some money. The woman warns Colleen to keep the baby away from her husband who is very cruel. The woman then passes away. Colleen bring the baby home and decides to bring her own deceased sister back to the woman and leave her there. Will Colleen be able to tell her family the truth?

This book was: Exciting!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone!

I rate this book:

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