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Monday, March 23, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: A Troubled Peace by L.M. Elliott

Image result for a troubled peace
A Troubled Peace
by L.M. Elliott

Recommended by:  Maeve S.
In this book, Henry Forester, a former air force member from WWII comes home troubled. He is filled with the wrath he faced in France and wants to fix it after his marriage denial from Patsy. So, he goes back to France to make things right, by finding a little boy, Pierre, who helped him hide from the Gestapo. When he gets to France and finds that Pierre is not there in the little village he left him in, Henry goes to the house Madame lives in to get a clue to where Pierre is now. Will Henry find Pierre? And if he does, what will he do?

This book was: Intense!

I would recommend this book to: People who want to learn about WWII.

I rate this book:

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