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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical FIction: Ripper by Stefan Petrucha

Image result for ripper stefan petrucha
by Stefan Petrucha

Recommended by:  John B.
This is about a boy who has a relative with a bad side. The book has many twists and turns which add to the final effect of the story. The main character is named Carver Young (maybe). He is very courageous and has much to offer to the people who read this book. he is also very stubborn which gets him in more trouble than you can imagine. He is trying to solve a murder, but then realizes the murder was done by his father, Jack the Ripper. As quoted from the note he gives Carver at the start, "A liking for the same job too, I'll bet once he gets to play my games". He is proving, from the start, that he is the Ripper, but Carver couldn't see that at the time. He was too happy with the thought that his father was alive, that he forgot to look right in front of him.

This book was: Historical fiction.

I would recommend this book to: Mystery enthusiasts.

I rate this book:

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