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Friday, March 13, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Never Fall Down by Patricia McCormick

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Never Fall Down
by Patricia McCormick

Recommended by:  James P.
This is the story of a young boy named Arn whose father died in a car accident just months before. He is forced to live with his sisters, Chantou, Maly, Jorami, Sophea, and his younger brother, Munny. They live with their aunt. The book starts when the Khmer soldiers told the people of Mongolia that an American plane is coming to bomb  the city and everyone must go to the countryside. Arn's aunt learns that this is not the case. After three tiring days of walking, Arn and his siblings are separated to different refugee camps. They work during the day and get little to no food. The family wants to relocate. Will Arn ever see freedom again? Read to find out!

This book was: Adventurous!

I would recommend this book to: People.

I rate this book:

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