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Monday, March 23, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Gone With the Wind by Margret Mitchell

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Gone With the Wind
by Margaret Mitchell

Recommended by:  Anna H.
This is an exciting book during the Civil War and Reconstruction periods. Scarlett is a sprightly young girl who has had everything handed to her; until now. When the war starts she faces many hardships. As a girl who has never lifted a finger, how will she deal with her problems? She tries to hoist them on someone else, but her attempts are fruitless. Scarlett has to get her hands dirty. After the war, her survival problems are over, but now her love life is a mess. How far will Scarlett go to reach her crazy goals?

This book was: Absolutely breathtaking!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone up to the challenge!

I rate this book:

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