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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Forgotten Fire by Adam Bagdasarian

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Forgotten Fire
by Adam Bagdasarian

Recommended by:  Indigo P.
This is about Vahan, a boy around the age of twelve or thirteen. In the year of 1915, the Turks started slaying Armenians; murdering them in cold blood. He is a young boy who witnessed his family's death. He escaped with his brother, sister, whom you'll see later on in the story. Vahan's goal is to survive and outrun the Turks. This book is heart-wrenching and filled with sadness, and it'll make you crave for more as you read on. It is adventurous and terrifyingly good. Forgotten Fire will make you devour the words. You'll love it, I promise. But be warned, this book will sadden you greatly.

This book was: Heart wrenchingly sad!

I would recommend this book to: Young readers and everyone.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell

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What I Saw and How I Lied
by Judy Blundell

Recommended by:  Chelsea J.
This book is about the Spooner's family going on a vacation after WWII. The daughter named Evie falls in love with a boy twice her age. The family is upset about it so they go fishing without Evie and drown the boy when a hurricane is about to come. The police send them to court where witnesses say what happened. Evie finds out the boy was just using her to get to her mother, which worked. Even after hearing that though she lies to help her family and they go home. When they get home her grandma hides a suitcase full of money in the closet. Evie later that week takes it and gets rid of it for good.

This book was: Interesting.

I would recommend this book to: Mystery lovers.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Soldier X by Don L. Wulffson

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Soldier X
by Don L. Wulffson
Recommended by:  Nolan B.
This book is about a German soldier named Erick Brandt. He is sixteen, and he is fighting in WWII. The story begins with him on a train to Russia, to be a translator. When the train gets bombed. This bombing was not bad, but it was only the beginning of what he will see at war. If you want to know what happens in the war, read Soldier X. My favorite part was when Erik was knocked out, and when he woke up, most of his friends were dead.

This book was: Historical Fiction.

I would recommend this book to: People who like adventure.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The Demon in the Teahouse by Thomas Hoobler and Dorthy Hoobler

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The Demon in the Teahouse
by Thomas Hoobler & Dorthy Hoobler
Recommended by:  Paoze V.
Seikei is an adopted son of a judge. He takes many lessons of culture, art, and combat by his mentor. Not the greatest at these arts but at solving cases. An incident happened involving fire, and later that day, the judge and Seikei went to investigate. They have collected clues to a culprit. now leading to a tea-house, Seikei is undercover. Days past in the tea-house and things happen while undercover. He meets new people, Nui the servant, and Umae the geisha. Umae announces Nui, her sister in shadow. Nui gets lost one day, Umae tells Seikei what happens. Seikei goes on a search which leads him to a house. He meets the owner, but found out it was a trap. It was on fire, but who is the culprit!??!

This book was: Amazing!

I would recommend this book to: Friends.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: On the Wings of Heroes by Richard Peckk

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On the Wings of Heroes
by Richard Peck
Recommended by:  William S.
Davy Bowman and his friend, Scooter Tomlinson, both have family members that went off to fight in World War II. They both look for ways to support the war effort. At first, they collect a ton of scrap metal to help build bombers and tanks. They collect so much they earn movie tickets that last all year. Then they collect milkweed from a barn where they meet an old women who thinks they are stealing her dad's old car. She lets them in for some cake. They then start collecting paper. They collect a lot but then some older Boy Scouts steal the papers. After that they quit Cub Scouts and never collect paper again. They they get a letter that Bill, Davy's brother, was shot down over France. Davy's whole family gets worried and soon his grandparents show up to help them cope. Davy's grandpa starts making homemade root beer which later explodes. Soon after, they receive mail that Bill has been found and is on his way home. Davy and his dad go outside and shoot a shotgun in the air for their returning hero.

This book was: A very fun book for all ages!

I would recommend this book to: Anybody who likes to read.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The Art of Keeping Cool by Janet Taylor Lisle

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The Art of Keeping Cool
by Janet Taylor Lisle
Recommended by:  Alise M.
This story is told by Robert, a 12-year-old boy, whose dad is a pilot in World War II. He moves into his grandparent's cottage with his mom and sister. Elliot, his cousin, lives nearby. Abel Hoffman is a grown refugee who lives deep in the woods. Because he comes from Europe, other think he is a spy. Elliot starts to spend more time with Abel, which becomes a concern to his parents and the whole town. Do you think Abel is a threat? My favorite part was when there was a forest fire. 

This book was: Well detailed and action filled!

I would recommend this book to: Good readers

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Iron Thunder: The Battle Between the Monitor and the Merrimac by Avi

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Iron Thunder: The Battle Between the Monitor and the Merrimac: A Civil War Novel
by Avi
Recommended by:  Alberto V.
This is a book how Tom, a boy whose father had died, and how he become a soldier to help his family during the Civil War. When he enters as a soldier, his captain is building an all iron ship called the Monitor to fight the Merrimac, an enemy ship. But while they are building it a spy stalks Tom and the later talks to him to try to get the blueprints of the ship. Tom doesn't speak or tell the spy anything about the ship and later the spy threatens Tom. When the ship is finished being built, Tom escapes in it to go to war, but he doesn't know if the Monitor will beat the Merrimac. My favorite part was when Tom was thinking that the Monitor was going to sink before it was finished being built. What I like about the writing style is how it makes you feel you are there. 

This book was: Amazing!

I would recommend this book to: People who like books with excitement in them.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The Bomb by Theodore Taylor

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The Bomb
by Theodore Taylor
Recommended by:  Eain A.
This book takes place in Bikini Atoll. The book is about a group of villagers wanting to live a peaceful life, but the Japanese soldiers terrorize their village with no one to stop them. Luckily the Americans came to get rid of the Japanese soldiers. Little did the villagers know that the American soldiers just wanted to use the village as a testing site for the newly invented atom bomb. The protagonist Sorry Rinamu refuses to give up the village, so he formulates a plan to come to the base and stop them from testing on Sorry's village. Sorry's Uncle Abram dies int he process from an unfortunate heart attack.

This book was: Historical Fiction!

I would recommend this book to: All students.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle

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The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
by Avi
Recommended by:  Tracy N.
13-year-old Charlotte gets sent onto a ship where she meets Captain Jaggery. She is accused of murder and is trying to warn Captain Jaggery about the crew waiting to kill him. Zachariah, another sailor, who Charlotte falls for, attempts to sneak off of the ship and find authorities as everyone believe he murdered another sailor. Find out more as they discover the real murderer.

This book was: Okay.

I would recommend this book to: People who like historical fiction.

I rate this book:

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Countdown by Deborah Wiles

by Deborah Wiles

Recommended by:  Miles C.
Frann is an eleven-year-old girl who is in one of the most difficult ages ever. It also doesn't help that a war is going on. This book is set in 1962, during JFK's presidency. When Russia sends missiles at Cuba, Frann's whole world turns around. While all of this is going on, her school life could be going a little better. When President Kennedy announces about the attacks on Cuba, the whole world becomes scare. Read this book to see how she will overcome her troubles. My favorite part is when Frann's uncle Otts wipes his face with a handkerchief and she says, "are you waxing yourself?"

This book was: A very fun way to learn.

I would recommend this book to: History freaks.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The Boy Who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti

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The Boy Who Dared
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti

Recommended by:  Jenelle B.
Have a taste for historical fiction? Well I'd recommend this moving book based on a true story of Hitler Youth. Helmuth, a boy living in the age of World War II, doesn't believe the new laws are for justice, but for Nazi personal gain. This book contains Helmuth's story of rebellion against the law and fight to the end. Read how he shares the truth of the war with the help of Karl and Rudi. My favorite part of this book was when Helmuth sacrificed himself to save his friends.

This book was: Very good!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes history

I rate this book:

Friday, May 1, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Crispin: The Cross of Lead by Avi

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Crispin: The Cross of Lead
by Avi
Recommended by:  Sam H.
This story is about a boy whose mother died, and he never knew his father. The book starts by letting you know the mother dies and Crispin has to live on his own. He then overhears a conversation in the woods; the two men find out he's eavesdropping and turn him into a "Wolfs Head", which mean he can be killed by anyone at any time. Crispin then leaves town to try and escape but finds himself to be in more trouble. You can read the book to find out the rest. My favorite part was when Crispin meets bear, a fun and energetic character.

This book was: Fun to read and generally good!

I would recommend this book to: People who like medieval times!

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Lily's Crossing by Patricia Reilly Giff

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Lily's Crossing
by Patricia Reilly Giff

Recommended by:  Jermonate W.
Lily's Crossing is about two children who are both going through rough times brought on by World War II. They need to help trust each other. Albert is a refugee whose family was killed in war and he had ran away. Albert promises Lily he will help her find her father, who is helping in the war. Lily tells Albert she will help him find his sister, Ruth. Can they really trust each other? Who really did keep their promise and who lied? Read this book and find out the dirty truth.

This book was: The best I've read!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone.

I rate this book:

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

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War Horse
by Michael Morpurgo

Recommended by:  Calvin G.
This is a story about what it was like during World War I. It puts you in the horse's shoes and shows you how strong the bond can be between a person and an animal. The characters in this book are a horse named Joey, and young man named Albert. Albert's father in desperation sells Albert's horse, Joey, to the British military. Albert joins the British military and in the process is blinded by gas. Meanwhile, Joey gets stuck in "No Man's Land". Albert eventually finds him in a small town where he was being treated for his wounds. He finds him when he does a whistle with his hands because he thinks he found Joey. He has to prove the horse is his! Will he?