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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell

Image result for what i saw and how i lied
What I Saw and How I Lied
by Judy Blundell

Recommended by:  Chelsea J.
This book is about the Spooner's family going on a vacation after WWII. The daughter named Evie falls in love with a boy twice her age. The family is upset about it so they go fishing without Evie and drown the boy when a hurricane is about to come. The police send them to court where witnesses say what happened. Evie finds out the boy was just using her to get to her mother, which worked. Even after hearing that though she lies to help her family and they go home. When they get home her grandma hides a suitcase full of money in the closet. Evie later that week takes it and gets rid of it for good.

This book was: Interesting.

I would recommend this book to: Mystery lovers.

I rate this book:

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