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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The Boy Who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti

Image result for the boy who dared
The Boy Who Dared
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti

Recommended by:  Jenelle B.
Have a taste for historical fiction? Well I'd recommend this moving book based on a true story of Hitler Youth. Helmuth, a boy living in the age of World War II, doesn't believe the new laws are for justice, but for Nazi personal gain. This book contains Helmuth's story of rebellion against the law and fight to the end. Read how he shares the truth of the war with the help of Karl and Rudi. My favorite part of this book was when Helmuth sacrificed himself to save his friends.

This book was: Very good!

I would recommend this book to: Anyone who likes history

I rate this book:

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