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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The Bomb by Theodore Taylor

Image result for the bomb theodore taylor
The Bomb
by Theodore Taylor
Recommended by:  Eain A.
This book takes place in Bikini Atoll. The book is about a group of villagers wanting to live a peaceful life, but the Japanese soldiers terrorize their village with no one to stop them. Luckily the Americans came to get rid of the Japanese soldiers. Little did the villagers know that the American soldiers just wanted to use the village as a testing site for the newly invented atom bomb. The protagonist Sorry Rinamu refuses to give up the village, so he formulates a plan to come to the base and stop them from testing on Sorry's village. Sorry's Uncle Abram dies int he process from an unfortunate heart attack.

This book was: Historical Fiction!

I would recommend this book to: All students.

I rate this book:

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