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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Forgotten Fire by Adam Bagdasarian

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Forgotten Fire
by Adam Bagdasarian

Recommended by:  Indigo P.
This is about Vahan, a boy around the age of twelve or thirteen. In the year of 1915, the Turks started slaying Armenians; murdering them in cold blood. He is a young boy who witnessed his family's death. He escaped with his brother, sister, whom you'll see later on in the story. Vahan's goal is to survive and outrun the Turks. This book is heart-wrenching and filled with sadness, and it'll make you crave for more as you read on. It is adventurous and terrifyingly good. Forgotten Fire will make you devour the words. You'll love it, I promise. But be warned, this book will sadden you greatly.

This book was: Heart wrenchingly sad!

I would recommend this book to: Young readers and everyone.

I rate this book:

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