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Friday, May 1, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Crispin: The Cross of Lead by Avi

Image result for crispin cross of lead
Crispin: The Cross of Lead
by Avi
Recommended by:  Sam H.
This story is about a boy whose mother died, and he never knew his father. The book starts by letting you know the mother dies and Crispin has to live on his own. He then overhears a conversation in the woods; the two men find out he's eavesdropping and turn him into a "Wolfs Head", which mean he can be killed by anyone at any time. Crispin then leaves town to try and escape but finds himself to be in more trouble. You can read the book to find out the rest. My favorite part was when Crispin meets bear, a fun and energetic character.

This book was: Fun to read and generally good!

I would recommend this book to: People who like medieval times!

I rate this book:

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