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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The Demon in the Teahouse by Thomas Hoobler and Dorthy Hoobler

Image result for demon in the teahouse
The Demon in the Teahouse
by Thomas Hoobler & Dorthy Hoobler
Recommended by:  Paoze V.
Seikei is an adopted son of a judge. He takes many lessons of culture, art, and combat by his mentor. Not the greatest at these arts but at solving cases. An incident happened involving fire, and later that day, the judge and Seikei went to investigate. They have collected clues to a culprit. now leading to a tea-house, Seikei is undercover. Days past in the tea-house and things happen while undercover. He meets new people, Nui the servant, and Umae the geisha. Umae announces Nui, her sister in shadow. Nui gets lost one day, Umae tells Seikei what happens. Seikei goes on a search which leads him to a house. He meets the owner, but found out it was a trap. It was on fire, but who is the culprit!??!

This book was: Amazing!

I would recommend this book to: Friends.

I rate this book:

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