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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: The Art of Keeping Cool by Janet Taylor Lisle

Image result for the art of keeping cool
The Art of Keeping Cool
by Janet Taylor Lisle
Recommended by:  Alise M.
This story is told by Robert, a 12-year-old boy, whose dad is a pilot in World War II. He moves into his grandparent's cottage with his mom and sister. Elliot, his cousin, lives nearby. Abel Hoffman is a grown refugee who lives deep in the woods. Because he comes from Europe, other think he is a spy. Elliot starts to spend more time with Abel, which becomes a concern to his parents and the whole town. Do you think Abel is a threat? My favorite part was when there was a forest fire. 

This book was: Well detailed and action filled!

I would recommend this book to: Good readers

I rate this book:

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