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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Books by Blei - Historical Fiction: Iron Thunder: The Battle Between the Monitor and the Merrimac by Avi

Image result for iron thunder avi
Iron Thunder: The Battle Between the Monitor and the Merrimac: A Civil War Novel
by Avi
Recommended by:  Alberto V.
This is a book how Tom, a boy whose father had died, and how he become a soldier to help his family during the Civil War. When he enters as a soldier, his captain is building an all iron ship called the Monitor to fight the Merrimac, an enemy ship. But while they are building it a spy stalks Tom and the later talks to him to try to get the blueprints of the ship. Tom doesn't speak or tell the spy anything about the ship and later the spy threatens Tom. When the ship is finished being built, Tom escapes in it to go to war, but he doesn't know if the Monitor will beat the Merrimac. My favorite part was when Tom was thinking that the Monitor was going to sink before it was finished being built. What I like about the writing style is how it makes you feel you are there. 

This book was: Amazing!

I would recommend this book to: People who like books with excitement in them.

I rate this book:

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