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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Books by Blei: "Newbery Award" - Onion John

Onion John
by Joseph Krumgold
(1960 Newbery Medal)

Recommended by: John B.
I would recommend this book to another person because it is a shocking, heartfelt book about a boy named, Andy, who is a baseball player. His dad and he own a hardware store. The other main character is a Onion John, a guy who nowadays would be called a hobo. Andy and he are good friends. Onion John and Andy meet at his baseball game, and they try to make it rain because their town never rains. At the Halloween party, they do weird things with a cauldron. Andy and his dad make him a new home and give him a new name; his name is now Mr. Claubin. Onion John cries at the ceremony for his new house. A house fire then happens. Onion John ends up in the hospital from the fire. Andy and his father want to make Onion John a new house. Onion John runs away from the hospital. Andy finds Onion John, but something is wrong. At the end, Andrew J. Rusch, Jr., and his father spot a rising smoke by Kardle's cave.

This book was: Very Interesting and Funny!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who likes shocking, heartfelt books.
I rate this book:

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