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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Books by Blei: "Newbery Award" - Sounder

by William H. Armstrong
(1970 Newbery Award)

Recommended by: Tyler S.
The book, Sounder, is about a young boy that lives with his mother, father and his dog, Sounder. The boy's family is very poor. Every night the boy's father and Sounder go hunting for food and to get money. One morning they wake up to the smell of ham. The family ate the ham for three days straight until one night the sheriff and two of his deputies came bursting through the door. The sheriff had told the family that the boy's father had stolen the ham from work and the father was put in jail. When the sheriff left with the father, Sounder goes running after them and one of the deputies...after that the boy goes looking for Sounder, but cannot find his beloved Sounder anywhere. Where did Sounder go? 

This book was: Sad!

I would recommend this book to:  Anybody

I rate this book:

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