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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Books by Blei: "Newbery Honor Book" - The King's Fifth

The King's Fifth
by Scott O'Dell
(1967 Newbery Honor Book)

Recommended by: Ji M.
Have you read The King's Fifth
It's an interesting book. 
The story starts out with a 17-year-old cartographer named Esteban de Sandoval who is currently in custody because he has hidden a very valuable stack of gold from the King and is also accused of murder of his captain, Mendoza. During Esteban's time in jail, he writes a journal on his adventure of when he found the gold. There was seven people on the adventure. Who were they? How did they find the gold? Did Esteban kill Mendoza during his adventure? But more importantly, where is the gold now? Because the king demands his fifth. I like how this book changes perspective from Esteban's time in jail to the time of his adventure. It's a good way to know more about why Esteban is in jail. This book is very adventurous with never-ending challenges. 

This book was: Decent and interesting!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like adventure.

I rate this book:

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