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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Books by Blei: "Newbery Honor Book" - Getting Near to Baby

Getting Near to Baby
by Audrey Couloumbus
(2000 Newbery Honor Book)

Recommended by: Jordana Q.
A 12-year-old girl named, Willa Jo, and her sister named, Little Sister, had to live with their Aunt Patty, because Baby dies. Through out the story, Willa Jo tries to get them home with their mom. When Aunt Patty has Will and Little Sister there, she want them to hang out with kids that are mean and snotty. So she can get to know people, Aunt Patty wants to make a good impression. Do the kids ever leave Aunt Patty?
My favorite part is when Willa Jo and Little Sister stood up to Aunt Patty.

This book was: One that would get to your heart!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like drama!

I rate this book:

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