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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Books by Blei: "Newbery Award" - A Year Down Yonder

A Year Down Yonder
by Richard Peck
(2001 Newbery Medal )

Recommended by: Everlyn V.
The book takes place right after the Great Depression, around 1937. Mary  Alice's father has lost his job so her family could no longer pay for her, so they sent her to live with her grandma in the country for awhile. Her grandma was a tough old lady, but Mary soon grew to love her. Mary and her grandma do many fun things together like baking pies, trapping foxes, and pulling pranks. She also made a friend named Royce who she really likes. Find out more about what happens to Royce and Mary Alice and how Mary Alice becomes a country girl by reading the book, "A Year Down Yonder". I promise you the ending is great!

This book was: Captivating and funny!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like to read historical fiction.

I rate this book:

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