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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Books by Blei: "Newbery Honor Book" - The Cricket in Times Square

The Cricket in Times Square Cover.jpeg
The Cricket in Times Square
by George Selden
(1961 Newbery Honor Book)

Recommended by: Michael A.
This book is a great book to read if bored. The book is about how a cricket named Chester got stuck on a train headed from Connecticut to New York! A boy named, Mario, runs his parents new stand and he heard a noise. He finds Chester! Mario takes care of him and Chester is his new pet (my first pet was a dog named Zac). The stand was not going so well; only like on person would buy newspapers there. Then when Chester is sleeping, he meets a cat and mouse. They are very friendly and welcoming. After they talked and talked, Tucker, the mouse, played some music from the radio. Chester copied the music in the most soothing way. Then attention came to Chester; he was famous. Chester got so much sales for the business, it became popular and then something big happened! I will not tell you, but you should find out!

This book was: Kids' fiction!

I would recommend this book to:  People who love classic books!

I rate this book:

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