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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Books by Blei: "Newbery Medal" - The Twenty-One Balloons

The Twenty-One Balloons
by William Pene du Bois
(1948 Newbery Medal)

Recommended by: Chelsea E.
This is the story about a professor at a school in San Francisco, who decides to spend on year alone...in a balloon. Everyone, once in a while, needs to be alone. Some go their bedrooms, a "special" place, etc., but not Professor William Waterman Sherman. He goes up in the air with a hot air balloon. Professor Sherman is a character who is really smart, so as you read this book you're going to visualize some pretty cool things. Which is exactly why I loved about this book. One more thing in this book is when Professor Sherman lands in the Atlantic Ocean with 21 balloons! Remember he only started with one balloon. So you may be wondering how in the world did he land with 21 balloons?! Guess you'll have to find out yourself. Besides the cool visuals about this book, I also liked the story of his journey.

This book was: Action-filled and exciting!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who enjoys action books!

I rate this book:

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