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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Books by Blei: "Newbery Award" - When You Reach Me

Front cover featuring a shoe, bread bag, winter jacket, library book, Miranda's school, a key, Miranda's apartment, two-dollar bills and a mailbox; all important plot elements in the novel.
When You Reach Me
by Rebecca Stead
(2010 Newbery Medal)

Recommended by: Anna H.
This book is about a girl named Miranda that takes place in 1997. She keeps getting mysterious notes that are totally creeping her out. She asks her mom about the notes, but she's not sure what to do. Later, Miranda gets another note stating that she should not share the notes with anyone. Now she's extremely nervous because she thinks the anonymous writing is spying on her. But is he/she? Jump into Miranda's crazy world and learn about the possibility of time travel!

This book was: Unpredictable!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who is interested in time travel.

I rate this book:

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