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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Books by Blei: "Newbery Award" - Johnny Tremain

Johnny Tremain
by Esther Forbes
(1944 Newbery Book)

Recommended by: Megan L.
Johnny Tremain experiences a lot for only being 16-years-old. Johnny's whole life gets turned upside down on more than one occasion. He had many devastating things happen to him. It would be like being told you would get one million-dollars in the mail and no mail comes. Johnny tried to do many different things before going to the Boston Observer for a job. He tried going to most shops on Hancock's Wharf. This book was fun to read because you get to learn about history and how people felt, plus you get to learn about the planning before a battle.

This book was: Great to read once you get to know the characters!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like to learn about history.

I rate this book:

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