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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Books By Blei: "Newbery Medal" - Moon Over Manifest

Moon Over Manifest
by Clare Vanderpool
(2011 Newbery Medal Book)

Recommended by: Kaitlyn P.
Abilene Tucker is sent to Manifest after she recovers from a leg infection that almost killed her. Her dad, Gideon, has seemed distant ever since, with his stories few and far between. All Abilene wants is for Gideon to be on this train with her; the train heading to Manifest: a town with a past. There, she makes friends, and meets Miss Sady, a diviner who tells her the story of Ned and Jinx. Through all of this, one thing she realizes is that everyone needs a chance to tell their own story, and that they have an important impact on the world. My favorite part is when Abilene reads the sign that say Miss Sady is a medium, and decides that's a bit modest. The middle is sort of drawn out, but everything makes sense at the end.

This book was: Amazing!

I would recommend this book to:  Everyone!

I rate this book:

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