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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Ajeemah and His Son by James Berry

Ajeemah and His Son
by James Berry

Recommended by:  Cece S.
Have you ever read a book about one man's real struggle to live like a free man once again? A book showing how hard life was back then? Ajeemah and His Son is about two African-American males who are kidnapped and portrayed as slaves, when they were really free men. They get separated at the slave trade. Both men struggle to escape and gain their freedom back once again. My favorite part is when Atu, Ajeemah's son, raised that horse he bought with his own money. That beautiful horse's name was Adohfo. But the overseer took Adohfo from Atu. Atu was going to escape on Adohfo, but that last attempt at freedom was crushed along with Atu's heart. I liked how it had no chapters. It was all just one long flowing chapter. 

This book was: Inspiring!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who likes inspiring books.

I rate this book:

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