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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Kotuku by Deborah Savage

by Deborah Savage

Recommended by:  Josie M.
The book, Kotuku, is a magnificent read about a girl named Wim. She had lost her dear friend, Jilly, the summer before. Jilly wan an anorexic dancer who absorbed herself in her body. Her passing has prevented Wim of focusing on herself. Will Wim find where she wants to go? The term "kotuku" refers to a white heron or an unexpected visitor. Is it a coincidence that she spotted one on the day David Te Makura came looking for Wim's father? He reminded Wim of the man with the tattooed face who she sees in her imagination; at least she thinks he's not real. That same day her crazy Aunt Kia comes to stay. She keeps begging Wim to take her to the sea so she can find an artifact she lost when she was a child. 

This book was: Fantastic!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone who loves plot twists.

I rate this book:

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