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Monday, December 15, 2014

Books by Blei: Slated by Teri Terry

by Teri Terry

Recommended by:  Sarah A.
Kyla Davis has been slated. Who cans he trust when everyone is a stranger? It's hard to imagine and not remember anything! Slated means to have no memory. 
Kyla has been slated by the government. The sixteen-year-old Kyla starts her hard journey to find out the truth about her past life and what has happened to her. Kyla is different than the other slates. She isn't happy and oblivious like most of the other slated. Kyla cares a lot about her past, much more than the other, but she keeps her fears mostly to herself. Not long into her life, the disappearances start. People start being taken away for resisting. Will Kyla be caught? Who else will disappear? So many surprises. Read and enjoy.

This book was: Awesome!

I would recommend this book to:  Anyone!

I rate this book:

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