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Monday, December 8, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: The Kite Rider

The Kite Rider
by Geraldine McCaughrean

Recommended by: Juni H.
The Kite Rider is about a boy named Haoyou whose father dies while testing the wind on a man-kite. Haoyou tries to be the provider for his mother and sister by making kites and selling them to children. First mate, Di Chou, want to marry Haoyou's mother and will stop at nothing to do so. Haoyou does not trust Di Chou because he betrayed his father. Haoyou has multiple adventures in this fantastic book about betraying loyalty to protect your loved ones. My favorite part of the book is when Haoyou and Mipeng, his cousin, trick Di Chou into joining the crew of a ship while he is drunk! This book is definitely action-adventure. I really like the way the author includes family restrictions based on beliefs in thirteenth-century China. The Kite Rider is very fun and exciting book to read but it is not always happy. Some parts of the book are very serious and sometimes sad. 
Check it out today!

This book was: An adventure story!

I would recommend this book to:  Readers who love adventure.

I rate this book:

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