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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: The Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine

The Lions of Little Rock
by Kristin Levine

Recommended by:  Kennedy H.
This book is called The Lions of Little Rock. It takes place in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1958. In this book, the main character, Marlee, is very shy and quiet. She doesn't have very many friends except this bossy mean girl, Sally. When a new girl named Liz shows up, she and Marlee become friends. Liz disappears, rumors start to spread that she is colored but trying to pass off as white and got caught. Marlee decides it doesn't matter and does everything to get her friend back. My favorite part is when JT's quiet mom speaks up to her wife-beater husband and when Marlee speaks up to Sally. I liked the setting and creativity of this book and how it was funny and sad. I liked to see the characters change and transform.

This book was: Realistic historical fiction with suspense.

I would recommend this book to: People who like historical fiction with suspense.

I rate this book:

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