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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Brooklyn Bridge by Karen Hesse

Brooklyn Bridge
by Karen Hesse

Recommended by: Ethan M.
This book takes place in the summer of 1903. A 14-year-old boy named, Joe Michtom, lives in Brooklyn with his family. Recently his parents have invented the stuffed teddy bear which makes them somewhat rich. The neighborhood kids now think of him differently, as the kid who "got lucky". His aunt brought his parents over to America from Russia and he is very sad when she dies. Her sisters, Aunt Beast and Aunt Mouse, live in an apartment that the queen (the oldest aunt) paid for. Now Joe has to try to feel normal when his sister Emily is also running a library. His dream is to go to Coney Island, but when Mama and Papa are always busy and they can never go.

This book was: Great!

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