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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Spying on Miss Müller by Eve Bunting

Spying on Miss Muller
by Eve Bunting

Recommended by:  Kaitlyn P.
Jessie Ross and her friends, Lizzie, Ada, and Maureen think that their teacher Miss Müller, who is half-German, is a Nazi spy. This takes place right before World War II, at a boarding school in Ireland. The thing is, Jessie really likes Miss Müller. It seems like she is the only one Jessie can tell the truth to about her father, who is a drunk. Miss Müller keeps sneaking around at night, and Jessie decides to follow her. Miss Müller climbs the steps to the roof with a flashlight, and Jessie assumes that she is communication with the Germans using Morse code. They want to catch her as part of their "war effort". My favorite part is when all the students escape to the grounds right after an air raid in the middle of the night. This books was shocking and suspenseful.

This book was: Extraordinary!

I would recommend this book to:  People who like war stories.

I rate this book:

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