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Monday, December 15, 2014

Books by Blei - Multicultural: Crazy Loco by David Rice

Crazy Loco
by David Rice

Recommended by:  Kaiya R.
This is a book filled with short stories, taking place in modern-day Texas. "Sugarcane Fire" is about an 8th grade boy, Romero, who tries to win over 9th grader, Veronica's heart. I won't say anything more than the he does not succeed, but end up with someone else. A few chapter later, a family adopts a dog named "Loco". One day during a shopping trip, the family leaves the keys and Loco in the car. When they come back, their dog and car are missing! Will they find their dog? At the end of the book, we meet Pedro and Ricardo. Pedro is training to become  the altar boy with the help of Ricardo. They begin to grow on each other, and just after they finally become friends, something tragic happens! Will they learn to cope with this tragedy, or will they give up?

This book was: Different.

I would recommend this book to:  People who love to read realistic stories.

I rate this book:

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